Cerid Jones

It’s a long a winding road - but we all start somewhere!
Below, you can find links to my published works. 

Anthology: River and Stone

Work title: Language of Dreams
About: The story is an introspective, experimental hybrid work with speculative notes that speaks about identity and society. Told through two story lines.

River and Stone is very special anthology in honour of a remarkable man, George, who I had the pleasure to virtually meet and write with only a handful of times. He made a big impact on me and I was extremely honoured to be asked to contribute a story to this collection in memorial for George.

Proceeds from the Anthology sale will go towards keeping MTWG in operating, supporting West Virginia writers - and at least this one Kiwi Gal ;)

Available in Ebook and Print on demand from Amazon.


Artificial Sweetener

Work title: There Wood Be Music
About: Challenging myself to add AI into a reimagining of a myth, this story is set in a futuristic world where a musician is forced to use advanced technology with unexpected - perhaps even fantastical - results.

SpecFicNZ biannual Anthology project is designed to be an immersive experience to support it’s members and increase public access to great speculative fiction.

This year, I was a co-lead the project with Gary Nelson. I edited, provided insert designs and cover layout (created by Melissa Gunn).
Cover to come soon - Logo shown also designed by me.

RELEASE DATE: November 2024

Journal: Wild Roof Magazine

Work Title: The Old Ways Still Breathe
About: A hybrid piece that explores the relationship between nature and society from a romantic esoteric perspective.

Wild Roof is an online journal published bi-monthly. Based in the USA, the journal mostly focuses on stories that relate to nature and the environment. It’s run by creatives for creatives and strongly aligns with my personal ethos.

I was extremely honoured to have this piece find its home here. For me, this piece is very close to my heart and I was extremely selective about where I submitted it. I really couldn’t have found a more perfect home for it to breathe.

Issue 26 is available for digital download for a small fee.

ViewlessWings Poetry Podcast

Work: Tell me Again.
About: A poem about hungering love, read by yours truly for the podcast and text included.

Honoured to have my first official acceptance letter come from this wonderful poetry space. Each month, Poet Laurette, James Marsden, hosts a podcast celebrating poets reading their own work.

The vast majority of my work is designed to be read aloud and i spend many hours reciting my poems to get them to feel right on my tongue - it was delightful to hear the episode and feel I could stand beside other oral poets from across the globe.

Writing is how I find freedom. Ink is in my veins. We all have stories to tell.